Hello, I'm
As a wife, mother of 5, and grandmother I believe I have always been interested in nutrition and healthy living; however, it became very relevant when I became ill in my early 50's. At first, I turned to the medical professionals to help me. I learned quickly that drugs were their answer for me and I did not want to go down that road.
Fortunately, I was introduced to a line of pure, natural supplements and found my way back to a healthy life. Literally, changing brands changed my life. Now I am a real advocate of prevention. Of course we need physicians in our lives and I am grateful for their expertise; however, I have taken responsibility for my own health.
I now spend my time enjoying my husband of 57 years, my wonderful children, and grandchildren as well as share with others the true wealth of life.....health. I also share a wonderful business concept that is expressed by the CEO of the company I represent. "The real opportunity isn't in making a better living. It's in making living better." Since being with this company I have been my own boss, work my own hours and have no limit to my success. It has offered me not only a journey of health but a life-changing opportunity. And I love sharing this concept with others.
Dr. Frank Lipman, Integrative Physician, states, "Although guidance may be helpful, lifestyle changes can't be imposed from above - they have to come from you. There is no greater reward than being the master of your own health."
My past jobs did not allow the time and freedom I was looking for and I wanted something where I felt I could really make a difference. I find that there are others just like me who are also searching for better options for making a living, but they usually end up getting sucked into Internet scams and online rabbit holes.
This is one of the reasons this site was created. I wanted to help others navigate the jungle the Internet has now become and share what I've learned about creating a lifestyle of personal freedom as an online entrepreneur.
I'm also looking to connect and work with like-minded people. And with the recent financial crisis, I feel that what I have to share, is more important than ever.
If words like "Lifestyle Design" and "Reengineering your life" resonates with you, then you've come to the right place.
Whether your dream is escaping the 9-5 grind, real-life adventure travel, long-term wandering, or simply a dramatic career change, this site will give you the tools needed to make it a reality.
If you'd like some guidance in your desire to find freedom as an online entrepreneur we need to connect. You can learn more about working with me here.
I'm also a real and fairly 'normal' person...so feel free to stop by and friend me on Facebook. and you can also connect with me on my http://www.facebook.com/EstesHealthBiz/ Fan page.
Thanks again, for visiting my site and hope I can help you create your ideal lifestyle of personal freedom.
Here's to your freedom!
Joanne Estes